The new office will focus on EU AI policy, working towards a flourishing and secure future for all.

At the heart of Europe, Brussels is a crucial arena for AI policy, both in the European Union and beyond. As a pan-European non-profit think tank, Pour Demain’s new Brussels office will enable further reach of our impactful, feasible, and neglected policy recommendations. Supported by our diverse academic advisory board and wider network, our evidence-based approach is designed for actionable change, bridging gaps between policy, science, and society. The office is led by Pour Demain’s EU AI Policy Lead Jimmy Farrell, bringing both institutional and industry experience.
In parallel with Pour Demain’s continuing work on AI policy in the governance arenas of the Council of Europe, OECD, G7, and European standardisation organisations (CEN-CENELEC), the new Brussels office will primarily engage with the European Union. Following the landmark finalisation of negotiations on the world’s first horizontal AI regulation earlier this year (The EU’s AI Act), attention now turns towards the vital next stage: implementation. As AI continues to develop at break-neck speed, robust but agile implementation of the new law’s obligations will be particularly important, and immensely challenging. This provides a golden opportunity for Pour Demain’s neglected and feasible policy recommendations to facilitate positive impact.